Is Concrete Modal Realism true?
I think the answer here is clearly, yes! I used to be a linguistic ersatz kind of guy, but thanks to Google images I stand corrected. This is clearly a snap-shot of that possible world where not only is Santa clearly concrete, but I think that’s David Lewis’ counterpart.
(ok…back to work)
Pictorial representations of fictional characters implies the existence of infinite other, non-actual worlds?
You must have been bored.
Get back to work! /kick
Yep. I was pretty bored.
Google images has taught me that I have several false views. Here are some questions that I asked and my interpretation of the answers:
Q: Is endurantism or perdurantism true?
A: Perdurantism
Q: Is the pointy view of simples true?
A: Yes
Q: Is there a God?
A: Yes and he is Muslim.
You can verify that these are the correct interpretations of the answers yourself.