A few weeks ago, I discovered that you can post to WordPress from Google Docs. But if you follow those instructions, titles won’t import into WordPress.
However, I just found However, if you follow this set of instructions – titles from Google Docs will import into WordPress.
Now I have a useful tool on my hands. Part of my reason for posting to my blog is to test out ideas for further development. The idea is that I might write a paper someday using material from a post.
If I write the post in Google Docs, I can slowly develop a draft of a paper and shave off some steps from turning the post into a rough draft of a paper. The post will naturally turn into a rough draft, and at the end there is no additional step needed to get the text into a Word processor. It will already be in a word processor.
What will be really awesome is if I can write a full-blown scholarly piece, complete with footnotes, that posts neatly into WordPress. Let’s see how footnotes from Google Docs will port into WordPress.1
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