I just got back from the West Virginia University second annual undergraduate conference.
It was great! I was invited to give one of the keynote talks. The title of my talk was Epistemic Circularity, and I received some terrific feedback from faculty and students.
The other keynote talk was given by Hud Hudson. The title of his talk is Omnipresence. The main point of his paper to articulate some allegedly possible views about the nature of location and explain how these views could resolve puzzles about omnipresence. It’s a great paper.
The undergraduates were the real highlight. All four papers were very impressive, and the caliber of the presentations was incredible. It was the sort of thing you would see at a professional philosophy conference. Kudos to the presenters, and to the undergraduates at WVU for selecting such high quality papers.
The undergraduates at WVU also gave great comments. All around it was a great time.
Thanks to all the WVU folks for having me back!
I was promised pictures. As soon as I get them, I’ll post them here.
(Note: Click on the banner above if you want to see the line-up of papers)
Nobody is really named Hud Hudson. That sounds like a character from Futurama.